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Gutter Gutter
Rounding Out The News: A Summary Of Issues As Seen In A Different Light

The snows have come, and I've had a chance to check out the state of the union. Not the speech, but the actual condition. I usually get my news from the Times and CNN, but I had a feeling that was not enough. I went to some websites and blogs I do not ordinarily attend. Bear with me now. If you have the same news habits I do, you will be shocked and surprised at the pile-up of crimes our country is committing against its citizens. Constitutional, as well as ethical.

Tens of thousands of "children" from South America, most of them not "eight-year-olds-with-teddy-bears," but older — some hardened gang members — have been invited, escorted, and released all over our country where there are, coincidentally, outbreaks of tuberculosis, measles (eliminated here over a decade ago) and unknown paralytic diseases.

The prisoners who are being released from Guantanamo are not the innocents. They are the top leaders of the war on terror against the United States, and they are being sent back to the field. The laws against those who have worked as terrorists entering the country have been eradicated. They are now free to do so.

We are taking protection and friendship away from our traditional western allies and giving them to Islamic militants. Iran has been allowed to proceed with its nuclear agenda.

Hundreds of thousands of regulations are being placed on the American people without the consent of Congress by departmental agencies that have illegally been given the go-ahead to make laws, a right reserved for our elected representatives. But our representatives do not represent us. They represent the ruling class in Washington — Republicans as well as Democrats. We no longer have an opposition party. Traditionally, the Republican Party is for small government. No longer. The Republican representatives are right in there with the Democratic representatives voting for government take-over of our financial system, our education system, and not just health insurance, but the medical care system as well.

The Affordable Care Act has defined full-time work as 30 or more hours a week. And what happens? Employees are having their hours cut and many are even being let go because providing insurance under the Affordable Care Act is unaffordable. For individuals too. Ordinary working people aren't subsidized and can't afford even the bronze premium's high, out-of-pocket plans.

Doctors are quitting, and good hospitals have said they will not take patients on the new plans because they can't meet expenses if they do. Doctors are not being paid enough to run their offices, especially now that they need numerous non-medical employees to comply with the formalities of the new regulations. Millions have lost their coverage altogether due to Obamacare, and now millions more are losing treatment as doctors and hospitals are forced to retreat or even close their doors.

The federal government is arming its departments. Guns and ammunition have been given even to the Department of Education, and of course, the IRS. Domestic armies are being formed. To fight whom? It looks as if they're being armed against the people. Why else would Homeland Security be acquiring thousands of light tanks and more rounds of ammunition than there are people in the country. And why are their snipers being trained with "don't hesitate" targets depicting pregnant women and children?

The most horrendous crimes against women, children, Christians and even Muslims are being committed all over the world and we are doing nothing about it. Women and girls are being taken from their homes and schools and sold into sexual slavery, but it seems our government's only worry is a fictitious Republican war against women whose main battlefield is legislation about who is to pay for birth control pills.

Not only do we not stop anyone at our borders, but the border patrol is required to advertise our food-stamp program to the illegal entries and tell them they will not be questioned as to their status. Status? They are being given drivers' licenses with motor-voter access to participate in elections. And the money goes beyond food stamps. Even people who have not paid taxes and may not have even lived here are slated for "Earned Income" tax credits — that's checks from the IRS — in five-figure amounts. And those many dollars that are sent "home" to another country benefit neither the recipients nor our nation.

Militant Muslims in the United States are stepping up their fight for rights that nobody else has. They are pushing for Sharia law with the stonings and wanton abuse of "their" women. They are asking for special privileges on our campuses. Our response? Celebrations in which our female students put on burkas for better understanding.

At the federal level, the president has called America a Muslim nation. A senior advisor has called the USA an Islamist Country. Just last week the president met (no press) with jihadist leaders.

Our public servants are becoming scandalously rich. The husband of a senator was awarded, without any competitive bidding, the contract to dispose of closing post office branches. He is being paid about a billion dollars in commissions on the proceeds. There are many couples in which the wife is the congressman and the husband the benefactor, or vice versa — even more couples where the one who is not elected, but has special access, is a paid lobbyist.

The Obamacare website design was given to a Canadian company that had already failed in a big job for the Ontario government. They failed again here. The woman who heads the company graduated from Princeton in 1985 with Michelle Obama where they were both members of the Organization of Black Unity.

And the bankrupt government funded green energy projects? We only hear about Solyndra, but there are many where, before going under, the politically connected principals cleared millions.

Also in the "green" spotlight, wind farms are killing birds at a fantastic rate. The bald and golden eagles that are killed are called "unintentional take."

We cannot have the XL pipeline not because it is environmentally unsound but because important Obama donors are in the oil-by-rail tank-car business, which has seen several significant fires and spills.

Loretta Lynch, set to replace Eric Holder, says that illegal immigrants have as much right to welfare here as American citizens.

Increasingly, our president says that he will do whatever he wants to on his own. He releases thousands of illegal immigrants from prison. They go out and rape and murder again. He refuses to enforce the law. He changes laws at will without consulting Congress. He gives personal dispensations to Affordable Care Act provisions for political purposes. He decides who pays fines and who doesn't. When Congress got uppity, he exempted them from Obamacare when the act had specifically included them.

Documented emails testify that "climate scientists" are gleefully fudging data and statistics for the cause, and the senate actually "voted" that global warming is not a fraud.

More documented emails confirm conspiracies in the IRS to refuse rights to groups who politically oppose the president's policies. We are supposed to have political parties who oppose each other so we are not "taken over" by the party in power. The opposition "Tea Party" is harassed with the Republicans gleefully joining the administration in this endeavor.

The woman who is the Secretary of the Air Force has never flown a plane. The man in charge of Ebola is not a doctor.

Common Core, which most educators agree will put the final touches on the ruin of American education, and which administrators, teachers, parents and students alike do not want, is being implemented anyway.

Memorials at the sites of black lynchings are proposed by the Justice Department (soon to be run by Loretta Lynch.). That should promote racial harmony! Michelle Obama, Eric Holder and Nancy Pelosi all made graduation speeches meant to inflame their audiences about past racial sins of America. Black students are told they are still slaves, not that they live in the land of opportunity.

Black children are being kept in bad schools. In some places charter schools are being closed down and their students being sent back to failing public schools. The Justice Department is complicit, saying it is acting to keep from upsetting the racial balance of those schools. The very people the administration claims they want to help are being kept from going to schools of their choice.

And the federal government is making moves to take over the Internet so none of the above will come to light. The FCC's five commissioners, three Democrats and two Republicans, were dealing with broadband regulation, in a non-partisan fashion, when they were presented with a several-hundred page bill containing what the administration "wants." End of discussion.

If you object to these things, as I do, perhaps you should take another look at your support for big intrusive government and our new one-party system. The time is coming when it will be too late.

Gutter Gutter
